Update Date : 14/02/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward up to the month of March, 2025 at the earliest. Please ignore it if already done.

Update Date : 13/02/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to clear the school dues against your ward up to the month of March, 2025. please ignore it if already done.

Update Date : 13/02/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward up to the month of March, 2025 at the earliest. Please ignore it if already done.

Update Date : 11/02/2025
Dear Parents/Guardians, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward up to the month of March, 2025 at the earliest. Please ignore it if already done.

Update Date : 11/02/2025
Dear Parents/Guardians, The school wI'll remain closed on 12-02-2025 for Sant Ravidas Jayanti.

Update Date : 06/02/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward up to the month of March, 2025 at the earliest. Please ignore if already done.

Update Date : 05/02/2025
The ADMIT CARD for Board Exam , 2025 of class 10 and 12 will be issued on 08-02-2025 between 09:00 am and 11:30 am. You are requested to obtain the 'No Dues' from the office and collect the Admit Card of your ward.

Update Date : 04/02/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward upto the month of March, 2025 at the earliest. Please ignore it if deposited.

Update Date : 25/01/2025
On Republicday 26-01-2025 (Sunday) the school timing will be 8:10 A.M to 11:40 A.M.

Update Date : 24/01/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward at the earliest.

Update Date : 23/01/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward at the earliest.

Update Date : 23/01/2025
Report card of PPT-II/III will be distributed on 25-01-2025 (Saturday) in between 9:00 A.M to 12:30 P.M.

Update Date : 22/01/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward at the earliest.

Update Date : 21/01/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward at the earliest.

Update Date : 20/01/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward at the earliest.

Update Date : 18/01/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to submit the copy of your ward's AADHAR CARD by 21-01-2025.

Update Date : 18/01/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to submit the copy of your ward's AADHAR CARD by 21-01-2025.

Update Date : 18/01/2025
Dear Parents, You are requested to deposit the fee of your ward at the earliest.

Update Date : 16/01/2025
The school will remain closed on 17-01-2025 for classes from I to VIII as per the order of District Administration.

Update Date : 14/01/2025
As per the order of District Administration the school will remain closed on 15-01-25 & 16-01-25 in view of cold weather.

Update Date : 13/01/2025
The school will remain closed on 14-01-2025 (Tuesday) for MAKARSANKRANTI.

Update Date : 02/01/2025
As per the order of District Administration the school will remain closed till 14-01-2025.

Update Date : 30/12/2024
The school will remain closed on 31-12-2024 and 01-01-2025.

Update Date : 23/12/2024
The school will remain closed on 25-12-2024 and 26-12-2024 for classes from I to VIII .

Update Date : 02/12/2024
In view of order issued by the District Administration the school will remain closed on 03-12-2024.

Update Date : 13/11/2024
There wiil be a holiday on 15/11/2024 (Friday) for Kartik Purnima and Guru Nanak Jayanti. On 14/11/2024 (Thursday)The school will be over at 12:40 P.M.

Update Date : 30/10/2024
The school will remain closed for Deepavali ,Govardhan pooja,and Bhaidooj from 31/10/2024 to 02/11/2024 The school will reopen on 04/11/2024 with following timing. 8:10 a.m.to 01:45 p.m.

Update Date : 19/10/2024
The Progress Report Card of TERM - I Exam will be issued on 20-10-2024 (Sunday) between 08:am and 12:00 pm. The parents are requested to come with their wards to collect the report card.

Update Date : 18/10/2024
The Progress Report Card of TERM - I Exam will be issued on 20-10-2024 (Sunday) between 08:00 am and 12:00 pm. The parents are requested to come with their wards.

Update Date : 08/10/2024
The school will remain closed for Durga Pooja and Vijayadashmi from 09-10-2024 to 12-10-2024. The school will reopen on 14-10-2024.

Update Date : 01/10/2024
There will be a holiday on 02-10-2024 for Gandhi Jayanti.

Update Date : 14/09/2024
There will be a holiday on 16-09-2024 (Monday) and 17-09-2024 (Tuesday) for Milad-un-Nabi and Vishwakarma puja .

Update Date : 24/08/2024
There will be a holiday on 26/08/2024 (Monday) for Krishna Janmashtami .

Update Date : 16/08/2024
There will be a holiday on 19/08/2024 (Monday) for RAKSHA BANDHAN and BALLIA BALIDAN DIWAS .

Update Date : 12/08/2024
Those students who have not taken their Progress Report Cards, may collect it on 17-08-2024 (Saturday) between 08:00 am and 09:00 am.

Update Date : 09/08/2024
The Progress Report Card of PPT - I will be issued on 11-08-2024 (Sunday) from 08:30 am to 11:30 am.

Update Date : 01/08/2024
There will be a holiday on 03-08-2024 for the preparation of Report Card of PPT I.

Update Date : 16/07/2024
There will be a holiday on 17-07-2024 for MUHARRAM.

Update Date : 22/06/2024
As per the order of state education department the school will reopen on 28-06-2024 with the earlier mentioned timing.

Update Date : 19/05/2024

General Instruction
1. Every student should carry the school diary daily with him/her to the school.

2. Students should arrive at school in time.

3. All the students must be habitually clean and neatly dressed.

4. The prescribe school uniform is to be worn on all class days and at all school functions. 5

. The students should behave in a refined manner wherever they go. They should always remember that the school would be judged by their conduct. They should always greet their teachers, elders, and friends in a pleasant and audible tone of voice whenever they meet them in school or outside.

6. Care must be had for school property. The student must not scratch or spoil the desk, chair etc. write in chalk or pencil on the walls or in any way damage whatever belongs to the school. Damage done or notice should be reported at once.

7. Books, Stationary, Tiffin box, etc. should bear the name of the students, class and section.

8. The school is not responsible for valuable articles or money lost. The students are discouraged from bringing money, jewellery or other valuable to school.

9. Cycles must be kept looked in the cycle stand and never left standing about the ground unlocked. The school will not take any responsibility in case the cycle is lost.

10. Any student to be exempted from PT/Game or any other school activity he should produce a Doctor’s certificate to the effect that he/she is physically unfit to take part therein.

11. No one who is late or has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to class without the permission of the principle. Absence must be explained in a note signed by the parents/guardians.

12. Repated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than ten days renders liable to dismissal.

13. Students should never tamper with the entries made in their Progress Report cards and school diaries.

14. A students found copying or using unfair means even discover subsequently will be treated as failed in the particular subjected or paper.

15. Indiscipline is not allowed in the school . Students found guilty of indiscipline will be removed from the school.
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